Thursday, April 16, 2009


*there are some meaning or story behind this post.
frens, it's not about the moon--u noe, "moon"
or should i say it "month"
in bm moon n month are the same right..
dude, im not creating this blog just to write about the moon.
this is a story of things that had happened to me recently..
try to figure out the meaning..
hihi! don't forget to leave ur opinions*

that day,
when the sweets were falling from the sky,
they kept fell
too many like a rainy day
didn't stop..

after a while,
the ground was full with the sweets..
gosh! I'm doom
too much sweets are not good for health
especially, teeth!

my room are full with those sweets
they won't stop falling
i almost drown
try to gasp for air
but it's hard
too hard to breathe--s.o.s.

i've regret wished for this 'sweet-sweets'
i've made my mind
i have to let go
i need some space to breathe
i must not being selfish

so i opened the door
took a bag of plastic bags
i packed the sweet-sweets in each plastic bags
but i left some for myself
though i prefer chocolate than sweets

i drove myself to the nearest playground
using my car--white in colour
the sweets were distributed among the children
they are so happy
each one has one plastic bag of sweets

here in my room again
i feel free
free to move
free to breathe
no more gasping for air

hope the kids are happy
hope the sweets won't harm the kids
hope the sky won't rain
hope the sweets won't fall too many in a same time
hope you will happy to be back together with her

16th APRIL 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


another glass broken
i just don't get it, it had written clearly--FRAGILE--
why don't he handled it with care..
he said, it's too heavy, he can't stand it.
he prefers things made in plastic now..
it's lighter than glass. it can't be broke easily,
cheaper, affordable by everyone..
did u know that once the glass is broken,
it will forever broken..

and now u leave all the pieces for me..
hands bleed, blood flows when i'm trying to pick up the pieces..
it's useless, u didn't notice it.
my hands, not yours,
it's me who feel the pain, not u..
plenty of reasonable excuses for u not to care..
hey, it's u who broke the glass..
it's u who had the glass..
if u didn't want to take the responsibility, why did u use the glass..
why don't u let the glass on the safe place--in the cupboard,perhaps
by that, the glass won't break..
and it can be used by other who will handle it with care..

but then, I've realize that u will never care..
u not even there!
u continue leaving the kitchen and take the plastics cup with you..
u said, breaking the glass is not a big matter,
u said, it was the glass itself too slippery that it fell from your hands..

I've cried, MOURNED for the broken glass..
after a moment, im tired of crying and doing nothing..
if i let the broken glass left on the floor,
it may hurt others--i thought..
so, i take a pair of gloves and pick up the pieces..
i let u take the plastic cup with u..
i don't even mind bout the broken glass anymore..
but i can't lie that, the cupboard is empty without the glass..
I've made my mind, I'll find another glass, maybe better than the broken glass..
so it can't be easily broken by the other 'he'..

13RD APRIL 2009

No More

i thought of you
O ur smile, O ur voice..
it's been a time i didn't see ur face
i've sent a text to u,
hoping u'll reply it..

my phone rang, and ur picture appeared on
the screen
click it,read it,crying..

it's written
" i love her, not u anymore.
i won't leave her, it's just not me..
let us be friends, just a close friends..
cause i love her"

i laid on my bed,
thunder, raining outside
recalled things that we've been through
a voice in my head asking..
will u love me again?
do u remember the memories we had together?
so i take my phone
white, our favourite..

my phone rang, ur picture appeared on
the screen
click it, read it, crying..
it's written..
"no, no, no..
u can keep those for ur memories,
or just throw it away
far from you..
i won't coming back to you"

when i realized, nothing broken..
i deleted the message and get some sleep

when i woke up, i see a shiny sun,
sweets are falling from the sky..
sweets are falling from the sky
no rain anymore..
